Monday, September 22, 2008

Goodbye Dr. Livingstone

Last night when we went to feed him is supper, Paul and I found our little gerbil Dr. Livingstone has passed away. I am heartbroken yet again for another loss. Tiny as he was, he provided great entertainment for me as he was housed in a 20 gallon low boy aquarium on my computer desk.

Paul and Alex found him outside one evening three years ago, walking down the edge of someone's driveway. They caught him and brought him home to me, knowing I would love him and also that he wouldn't have survived a cold Canadian winter. Or worse, ended up as some cat's dinner.

Gerbils are amazing pets. We bought play sand for him and gave him shredded paper. He made the rest of his bedding himself with toilet paper rolls, paper cup holders and whatever else we tossed in his home.

He is already sadly missed.

Thank you Dr. Livingstone, my little explorer, for the three years of companionship you gave to me.

Monday, September 15, 2008

4 Here or 2 Go Cafe

It's been a while since I posted on my blog. Paul, Alex and I have been very busy getting his cafe up and running. It's called Alex's 4 Here or 2 Go Cafe. I am pleased to say that the town of Colborne has been very supportive for him.

In time, Paul is going to work for Alex and give up his job at Home Depot. He has a terrible shift and doesn't like the commute. The cafe is within walking distance. It will be nice in winter knowing that both my guys aren't having to travel the highway in bad weather.

The Cafe serves soups, salads and sandwiches as well as baked goods, ice cream and other sweets. I am so very proud of Alex and the job he's doing!